C++ Program to check whether a number is Armstrong or not?
What is an Armstrong number? A three digit number is an Armstrong number if sum of cube of its digits is equal to itself. Program: #include<iostream> using namespace std; int armstrong(int x); int cube(int c); int main() { int num; cout<<"Enter a three digit Number="<<endl; cin>>num; if(armstrong(num)==num) { cout<<"Number is Armstrong"; } else { cout<<"Number is not Armstrong"; } return 0; } //Armstrong Function int armstrong(int x) { int a,sum=0,result; /* a=x%10; b=x/10; c=b%10; d=b/10; int result; result=cube(a)+cube(c)+cube(d); return result;*/ do { a=x%10; sum=sum+cube(a); x=x/10; }while(x!=0); result=sum; return result; } //Cube Function int cube(int c) { int r; r=c*c*c; return r; } Output: